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Dating your best friend

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We swore that we would be more mature and accept the fact that sometimes we just have differences that would make us clash with one another but we must always remember how much we love each other and all the things that we have been through. I agree completely with the article.

9 Reasons to Date Your Best Friend

If someone had told me that then, I would have thought they were crazy. How do you know if you actually have romantic feelings for your closest guy friend, or if you just enjoy his company? The love and support you have for one another is unparalleled.

Advantages of dating your best friend - And that someone might just be your best friend, the person who has been there all along. You always find something wrong with everyone they're into.

Many people think that dating a friend is a bad plan. Here are my 9 reasons why you should give it a shot: 1. You know each other well. How nice is it to come into a relationship where you already know each other! And you can just be yourself. You already have a connection. That spark, affinity and care that binds you two together exists between the two of you even before that first date. Your friend has likely seen the real you and you are likely used to being yourself around them. You have already developed trust. Coming into a new relationship with trust puts your relationship ahead of the game and sets you up for success. You accept each other's differences. By now you are probably well-versed in knowing your similarities and differences. Acceptance of differences, like trust, is what builds the foundation for a solid and lasting relationship. It is likely you have developed the kernels of love already. We develop love by giving and friends are used to giving to each other. It is through giving that we increase our love for one another. We usually choose to spend our time with people we do respect. Friends are great at caring about each other, as well as taking good care of one another. It takes time to get to know someone and to learn how to best care for them. Since you have already developed care and concern, you can focus on other things that come up and develop a deeper connection more quickly and easily. You enjoy spending time together. You already know that you enjoy hanging out with this person. Not all friends can be transformed into a successful relationship, but there is one good thing that does come with trying: living with no regrets. I once had a best friend whom I was interested in. I thought there was potential and I went for it. Naturally, it took some time to get past the uncomfortable feelings but our friendship was strong enough to weather the storm. On the other hand, I have a client who successfully turned a friend into someone he is dating seriously. Building a relationship has taken some patience, time and effort. But the comfort of being with someone you know, like and trust is worth investing the time to build the relationship. Build up your courage and think about the best way to approach the subject. The next article will tell you how to do it. Aleeza Ben Shalom is known as the Marriage Minded Mentor. She is a professional dating coach and the author of , your guide to get over your hurdles and under the chuppah! Aleeza is a passionate speaker and regular contributor to Aish. She works with clients from around the world, as well as, trains future dating coaches. You may also recognize Aleeza from her appearance in the web series. She has been interviewed by , and. To book a one-on-one or learn more visit:. Someone suggested that he date me. At first, he hesitated because he didn't want to ruin a good friendship, but then he decided to give it a try. My advice is to try. Worst case- at least you tried and now you can continue looking for your bashert. Best case- your bashert might be staring you in the face. I am sad to say that I sometimes regret not marrying my then best friend. I thought it would ruin our friendship but realise now that he was possibly the right one for me. I say this after 17 years of marriage and always returning to the thought that maybe I should have married someone who i had much more in common with. I loved my husband very much and even though we had many differences there was something intangible that bound me to him. However I have never had the same interests and tastes as him and tho this has often caused much amusement between us it has often been the cause of much regret for me personally. However I try not to dwell on this too much, it is of course damaging to think like this, and it is useless to dwell on the past. I say this to help all of those who think that not having a current attraction to their best friend is an obstcacle to intimacy and marriage. I say, not having a strong connection is the far greater obstacle. I agree completely with the article. My husband and I became friends when we were in college, and it literally took years for us to realize that we were a match for each other. Once we decided to date, we saw how wonderful having someone accept you for who you are is. Now we are happily married with two kids and I still think he is just as attractive, funny, and kind as I did when we were friends Okay, actually he is much more so! He is my best friend and vice versa. We genuinely enjoy and respect each other, and I think that has been a boon to our marriage. Best case scenario - You get to spend more time with your soulmate as a couple. Worst case scenario - You are now free to spend your time and energy looking for your true soulmate. I also agree with Scott. When we were younger, we both had friends of both sexes, but since we became a couple, we both let those friendships fade. If someone had told me that then, I would have thought they were crazy. Why would anyone want to give up a bunch of their friends over one person? But when you find your soulmate, all the male or female friends added up cannot compare to him or her. Plus, you won't want to spend time with them anyway! I don't have any female friendships. I have a marriage and the two things are mutually exclusive. I used to have a couple female friends before I was married but now its not that cool to discuss the goings on in my life or talk about my relationship with a woman other than my wife. Its not cool to meet for coffee or have a drink or chat online. And if you think having a opposite sex friend as a confidant is a good idea when your marriage goes through the bumps that marriages go through you're really not thinking clearly. Emotional infidelity is more dangerous to a marriage than physical infidelity. If you ever get the opportunity ask someone who lost a marriage to infidelity how it started. The stories i hear most often don't start with a drunken night in a bar... Yep once you get married those opposite friendships are gone anyway, so if one looks promising why not see if it can grow into the permanent one? Unless of course you're really not serious about marriage. Great article and I completely agree with Scott. I had close female friends before marriage and I really regret the time and energy I wasted. If they were men, I could still bond with them but it's unhealthy and inappropriate for a man to bond with any woman other than his wife. So if there's real potential, follow Aleeza's advice and if not, spend your time with same gender friends who you could potentially be friends with forever.

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